Nordic & Sherpa Hats

SnowStoppers quality knit hats for kids. Warm and comfortable hats to go along with our mittens and gloves.
Nordic Hats
Fleece lined for the soft, comfortable feel and added warmth.
(Black lining in the Nordics. White lining in the Sherpas)
SnowStoppers DylanSnowStoppers Ashley
Both Nordic and Sherpa are available in 7 colors

One size fits many - Ages 3-8 Years
Red / Black
Purple / Black
White / Black
Pink / Black
Lime / Black
Fuchsia / Black
Blue / Black
Red / White
Purple / White
Navy / White
Pink / White
Lime / White
Fuchsia / White
Sky Blue / White
Our Mittens / Gloves and Hats come in MATCHING COLORS.